We charge our fees equivalent to 25% of the amount eventually settled with the airline + VAT. Our fee will only be charged if you actually receive the compensation. If you do not receive the money, we will not charge you any fee for submitting the claim. Please remember that you will only be charged when you receive your money. We only charge you if you get paid. For further information regarding our fees and how they work, please refer to our terms and conditions.
The duration of the claim process may vary in each case. Sometimes it may take only several weeks, while in other cases it can last over a year. It all depends on the airline and its position with regard to the incident, the specific situation that caused the incident and if we have already resolved other cases with passengers travelling in the same flight. Some companies are willing to settle the claims swiftly, while other companies pay only when a case is filed in court. In any case, and irrespective of how long it may take, you will be regularly informed of the status of your claim.
Because we have a long record and are experienced in with lodging complaints to airlines on behalf of our clients. We have all the legal and judicial tools to defend your rights. We also have a large database of flights and air travel incidents, so in many cases we can quickly determine your chances of getting compensation. Airlines already know us; they know that we will issue legal proceedings in order to defend the rights of the affected passengers, so they are more open to reach a settlement if they receive a complaint from us. Unfortunately, many airlines are reluctant to give satisfactory answers to individuals, particularly if they do not even live in Europe. We have a team of cooperation partners throughout Europe who can represent you.
Of course. Fill the data in our “Claim with us” section and we will assess your particular case. If after studying your case, we consider that you are entitled to compensation, we will contact you and we will request you a copy of the airlines’ reply, among other documents.
Every time we receive a notification from the airline we inform you via email. If you do not receive anything, it means that Fly-Fine has not received any reply. However, you can send us an email with your reference number at any time, and we will respond to your queries.
It depends on the kind of incident and each particular case. There may have different deadlines for lodging complaints depending on each European airline’s national jurisdiction. If you had an incident in the past, even years ago, you can submit the information through the “Claim with us” section. We will check if we are still on time and we will inform you.
Following the same procedure as for a sole individual. If the booking and/or purchase of the flight was made for a group, any member of the group can initiate the process in our website. The power of attorney required for processing the complaint can be issued for all the members of the group.
Once you have filled the complete form, together with informing that you may be entitled to compensation you are also informed that you will receive an email. This email contains the details regarding the information and documents required to file the complaint, as well as the conditions of our services. You can think it over before taking a decision, and then reply to us attaching all the data required. Depending on the information sent, we will assess your particular case and we will inform you about possible scenarios and the steps to be taken.
If the answer when you fill the form in “Claim with us” is that you are not entitled to compensation, your particular case is not covered under the European regulation on passengers protection. However, in some cases there may be other rights to indemnity not included in our calculator, which fall outside the scope of the compensations established in the European Regulation EC 261/2004. If you consider that your case is eligible for such exceptions, please send us an email with all your flight details and any other relevant data about the incident, and we will contact you.
This calculator has been developed by incorporating the requirements established in the European Regulation 261/2004 regarding entitlements to compensation. Despite the detail of the information collected, there may be special situations or events which cannot be regarded as standard cases. If you are not convinced about the results obtained, you can send as an e-mail with all your flight details and the information regarding the incident at any time. We will then assess your case individually and contact you.
Please read carefully the recommendations you can find for each kind of incident (cancellation, overbooking or delay) at the end of each explanatory section.
Please read carefully the recommendations you can find at the end of each explanatory section for the relevant incident regarding your baggage.